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Wrinkle Reduction Specialist

Cary Laser Aesthetics

Vijaya Polavaram, MD

Medical Aesthetic Specialist & Internist located in Cary, NC

Forehead lines, crow’s feet, smile lines, and other kinds of wrinkles can age you far too early. At Cary Laser Aesthetics in Cary, North Carolina, Vijaya Polavaram, MD offers a variety of noninvasive wrinkle treatments for all kinds of wrinkles, including Cynosure Icon™ laser treatments, Botox®, and fillers. Use online scheduling, or call Cary Laser Aesthetics for your appointment today.

Wrinkle Reduction Q & A

How does Botox reduce wrinkles?

Botox slows movement in the muscles that cause wrinkles, which smooths out the lines on your skin’s surface. Botox helps with three main kinds of wrinkles:

  • Crow’s feet
  • Forehead lines
  • Lines between brows

Botox can take several days to take effect. It prevents wrinkles for three to four months.

Botox works perfectly for fine to moderate lines caused by muscle movement, but it doesn’t fill in deep wrinkles due to age-related volume depletion. For those deep volume-related wrinkles, fillers are the most effective treatment.

How do fillers reduce wrinkles?

Fillers like Juvéderm® and Restylane® replicate the hyaluronic acid that your body creates naturally. Hyaluronic acid helps your skin stay firm and youthful, but it decreases over the years. That’s why you may notice smile lines, thinner lips, or skin laxity as you age.

The areas where fillers work best are:

  • The smile lines
  • The lips and lines around the lips
  • The cheeks

Dr. Polavaram injects dermal fillers below the skin to instantly smooth wrinkles. Most fillers last at least a year, and in the cheek area, they can last as much as two years.

What can I do about wrinkles caused by sun damage?

Sun damage can cause wrinkles, even when you’re far too young to have them. Dealing with wrinkles from sun damage is twofold: You need effective treatment for the existing wrinkles and quality sun protection to avoid them in the future.

Cary Laser Aesthetics offers the Cynosure Icon MaxG IPL treatment for wrinkles caused by sun damage. This noninvasive pulsed light treatment treats other types of sun damage, including brown spots, while it stimulates your body to make additional collagen. The new collagen fills in your wrinkles over time.

Which wrinkle reduction treatment is right for me?

During your consultation, Dr. Polavaram can evaluate your skin and discuss your concerns to help you decide which wrinkle reduction treatment is best for you. Many patients find that a combination approach is ideal.

For example, if you’re dealing with multiple fine wrinkles in your forehead as well as deep smile lines, Dr. Polavaram may recommend Botox for your forehead, a filler for your smile lines, and Cynosure Icon MaxG IPL treatment to smooth the skin all over your face.

Use the online scheduler, or call Cary Laser Aesthetics to get wrinkle reduction help now.